Course: Mass Communication Part-I (5631)

M.Sc (Mass Communication) Semester: Autumn, 2022

Q. 1     How new ideas are diffused in society? Elaborate the process of Diffusion of innovation.

The diffusion of innovation is a process that explains how new ideas, technologies, products, or services spread throughout a society over time. The theory was developed by Everett Rogers in 1962, and it has been widely used in fields such as marketing, sociology, and public health.

The process of diffusion of innovation can be divided into five stages: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.

  1. Awareness: In this stage, people become aware of a new idea, product, or service through various channels such as media, advertising, or word-of-mouth.
  2. Interest: Once people become aware of the new idea, they start to show interest in it. They might seek more information about it and try to understand how it works and what benefits it offers.
  3. Evaluation: In this stage, people start to evaluate the new idea based on their needs, values, and beliefs. They might compare it with other alternatives, assess its advantages and disadvantages, and weigh the risks and benefits of adopting it.
  4. Trial: After evaluating the new idea, people might decide to try it out. They might do so by experimenting with a small sample, using a trial version, or testing it in a controlled environment.
  5. Adoption: Finally, if people find the new idea useful and beneficial, they might decide to adopt it. Adoption means that people start to use the new idea regularly and integrate it into their daily lives.

The diffusion of innovation also depends on several factors such as the characteristics of the innovation itself (e.g., its complexity, compatibility, relative advantage, observability, and trialability), the characteristics of the adopters (e.g., their social status, education, age, and innovation-decision process), and the characteristics of the communication channels (e.g., the media, opinion leaders, social networks, and interpersonal communication).

In conclusion, the diffusion of innovation is a complex and dynamic process that involves the spread of new ideas, technologies, products, or services from the innovators to the adopters. The process is influenced by various factors, and it can take different forms and speeds depending on the context and the innovation.

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