Course: Media Ethics & Laws Part-I Course code: (6603)

Level: M.Sc (Mass Communication)            Autumn,2022                                                      

Question no. 2:    Discuss the ethics and morality in Web journalism with detail.

Web journalism, like any form of journalism, requires ethical and moral considerations in its practice. The rise of the internet has transformed journalism by increasing the speed and reach of information dissemination, and with it, a set of unique ethical challenges. In this response, I will discuss the ethics and morality in Web journalism in detail.

  1. Accuracy and verification

The first ethical concern in Web journalism is accuracy and verification. In the era of the internet, news travels fast, and journalists are under constant pressure to publish stories quickly. However, speed should not compromise accuracy. Journalists should verify the information before publishing it. They should cross-check facts, sources, and ensure that the information they are publishing is accurate. Journalists should not rely solely on social media or hearsay, as they may publish misleading or false information, which could have severe consequences.

  1. Objectivity and bias

Another ethical concern in Web journalism is objectivity and bias. Journalists must be objective in their reporting, meaning they must not take sides or favor any particular group. They should present both sides of the story and allow the reader to make their own judgment. However, bias can easily creep into Web journalism, especially with the rise of opinion journalism. Opinion journalism is when journalists write their opinion, which can sometimes be subjective, and not based on facts. Journalists must distinguish between news and opinion and label them accordingly.

  1. Privacy and confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are also critical ethical considerations in Web journalism. Journalists must respect the privacy of individuals and not publish private information without their consent. Additionally, journalists must protect their sources’ identity and not disclose any confidential information that could harm their sources’ well-being. Journalists should also obtain consent before using any personal information or images.

  1. Sensationalism and clickbait

Sensationalism and clickbait are unethical practices that are prevalent in Web journalism. Journalists must avoid sensationalism and clickbait to attract more readers. Sensationalism involves exaggerating or distorting facts to create a more exciting story. Clickbait refers to misleading headlines that entice readers to click on a story but do not deliver on their promises. These practices undermine the credibility of journalism and mislead the public.

  1. Plagiarism and attribution

Plagiarism and attribution are also essential ethical considerations in Web journalism. Plagiarism is when a journalist uses someone else’s work without giving them credit. Journalists must ensure that they do not plagiarize and provide proper attribution when quoting or referencing other sources.

In conclusion, Web journalism presents unique ethical and moral challenges. Journalists must maintain accuracy and objectivity, respect privacy and confidentiality, avoid sensationalism and clickbait, and practice proper attribution to avoid plagiarism. By adhering to these ethical standards, journalists can build credibility, trust, and maintain the integrity of the profession.

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