Course:  Basic Concepts in Social Sciences-I I(5638) Semester: Autumn, 2022                                         

Question no.5

Explain, how the West and Islam see sovereignty.

The concept of sovereignty, which refers to the supreme authority of a state to govern itself and make decisions within its own territory, is viewed differently by the West and the Islamic world.

In the Western tradition, sovereignty is generally understood as being vested in the state and its institutions, with the state acting as the ultimate authority in matters of law, politics, and governance. This view of sovereignty emerged in the aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War in Europe, which saw the emergence of the modern nation-state system and the idea of the state as a sovereign entity with a monopoly on the use of force within its borders. This view of sovereignty emphasizes the importance of national identity and territorial integrity, and places a strong emphasis on individual rights and freedoms.

In the Islamic world, sovereignty is often seen as being ultimately vested in God, rather than in the state or its institutions. This view is based on the idea that God is the ultimate source of authority and that all human actions, including those of the state, must be guided by religious principles. While the Islamic concept of sovereignty does recognize the importance of the state and its institutions, it places greater emphasis on the role of religion and the Islamic community (ummah) in shaping political and social life.

These differing views of sovereignty have significant implications for political and diplomatic relations between the West and the Islamic world. While the West tends to view sovereignty as an absolute and inviolable principle, Islamic countries often see it as a means to promote greater religious and cultural identity, which can sometimes conflict with Western ideas of individual rights and freedoms.

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