Course: National & International Current Affairs-II (5634)                                           Semester: Autumn, 2022                              

Discuss the role of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in resolving different issues being faced by the Islamic world.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization consisting of 57 member states, representing the Islamic world. It was established in 1969 with the aim of promoting cooperation and solidarity among member states, and to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world. The OIC plays an important role in resolving different issues being faced by the Islamic world.

One of the key roles of the OIC is to promote economic development and cooperation among member states. The organization has established several institutions to facilitate economic cooperation, including the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), which provides funding for development projects in member states. The OIC also works to promote trade and investment among member states, and to reduce barriers to economic growth.

Another important role of the OIC is to promote political cooperation and stability in the Islamic world. The organization has been involved in mediating conflicts and promoting peace and stability in member states. For example, the OIC has played a role in resolving conflicts in Somalia, Yemen, and Sudan.

The OIC also works to promote social and cultural cooperation among member states. The organization has established several institutions to promote education, science, and culture, including the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). The OIC also works to promote human rights and to combat discrimination and prejudice against Muslims.

In addition to these roles, the OIC also plays a key role in representing the interests of the Islamic world in the international arena. The organization has a permanent delegation to the United Nations and works to promote the interests of member states in international forums.

Overall, the OIC plays an important role in promoting cooperation, stability, and development in the Islamic world. While the organization faces many challenges, including internal divisions and limited resources, it continues to be an important force for promoting the interests of the Muslim world.

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