AIOU Print Media Part-II Code 5626

Question no.1: Describe different terms that are used by newsroom personnel.


  • Advertisement, Advertisement Published notice of commodity for trade paid for by the advertiser.
  • AP Condensation for Associated Press, a line service. Art Any print, map graph or illustration.
  • Assignment A story a intelligence is detailed to cover. Associated Press.
  • Style-book The standard reference source for intelligence and editors on word operation, vilification, numbers, titles, capitalization and generally used words and expressions.
  • Balloon A delineation, generally in a ridiculous strip, which makes the words of a person in the picture appear to be coming directly from his mouth.
  • Banner A caption in large letters running across the entire range of the first runner.
  • Beat A intelligence regular routine for covering news sources.
  • Body Copy The main part of a story.
  • Bold Face A heavy or dark type.
  • Box Border around a story or print.
  • Break Original news content of an event.
  • Broadsheet A” standard “or large-sized review. The measures of broadsheet journals vary.
  • Budget The lineup of news stories listed for the coming day’s review.
  • Bullet A large dark fleck used at the left edge of a column to mark each item in a series.
  • Byline The name of the pen published at the top of a story
  • Caps condensation for capital letters.
  • Caption A title or exploratory expression accompanying a picture. The larger type over a cut- line.
  • Carrier A person who delivers the review to subscribers.
  • Gyration The total number of duplicates of the review distributed in one day.
  • City Office The area of the newsroom where original news events are covered.
  • Clip Art A variety of art handed to journals on a subscription base, for use in announcements.
  • Clips papers that have been cut out of the review, short for parts.
  • Classified Advertising Advertising space generally bought in small amounts by the public and published, by orders, in its own section of the review.
  • Cold Type Type that is produced photographically
  • Color To add color to an advertisement to command attention and influences buying opinions.
  • Color Key The negatives for the full color print are made positive and put together to check to see if the colors match the original print.
  • Column The arrangement of perpendicular lines of type in a news story; also, an composition appearing regularly written by a particular pen or “columnist.”
  • Column Inch Space dimension-one column wide by one inch deep.
  • Columnist A person who writes a regular column giving a particular opinion.
  • Compose To set type or design runners.
  • Copy All material for publication, whether written stories or cinema.
  • Copy Office Area of the newsroom where editing is done.
  • Copy Editor The person who corrects or edits copy written by a intelligence and writes captions.
  • Brand An author’s exclusive right of property for his factory.
  • Pressman an out of mega-city intelligence.
  • Cover To gather information and get data for a story.
  • Credit Line A line giving the source of a picture or art.
  • Crop To count portions of dupe or prints by reducing the size.
  • Cut To dock review dupe; also means a review snap.
  • Cut- line The information below a picture or art, which describes it; also called a caption.
  • Dateline The line at the morning of a story giving the place and date of the reported incident.
  • Deadline A time at which all copy for an edition must be submitted.
  • Dingbat Any typographical contrive used for decoration.
  • Display Advertising Large, constantly illustrated adverts generally bought by retail stores, manufacturers, service companies; advertising other than classified announcements.
  • Dummy A illustration or layout of a review runner, showing the placement of stories, captions, cinema and adverts.
  • Observance Either corner at the top of the anterior runner (sometimes used for downfall news or to call attention to a special point).
  • Edition The issue for one press run home edition, state edition, final home edition, redundant.
  • Editor A person who directs the tract programs; or a person who decides what news will go in the paper and where it will appear
  • Editorial An composition expressing the opinion of the review regarding a certain subject.

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