AIOU Print Media Part-II Code 5626 

Question: Explain different subbing symbols with appropriate examples.

What Are” Captions”?

 Captions are the “audio” for deaf and delicate of hearing humans.” Captions “is largely another expression for” words, “and they are generally deposited at the bottom portion of the display screen. Captions permit deaf and tough of hearing mortal beings to seize and witness the speak the equal manner as hankering to mortal beings do.

What Are” Types”?

 Feathers range harmonious with how the captions feel, how they may be penetrated, and what information is furnished. those encompass unrestricted captions, mottoes, and mottoes for the deaf and tough of hail.

  • The caption for a figure appears below the visual; for a table, over. It’s easy to get this wrong accidentally.
  • Generally, boldface or emphasize the word” Figure “or” Table “and the associated number in the caption, also present the caption in plain textbook with only the original letter of the caption and any proper names in the caption subsidized.
  • Always concentrate on absoluteness and concreteness as you caption. Air inflow “is far lower illuminating and accurate than the following
  • Don’t be hysterical to use lengthy figure and table captions better that confusing or deficient bones.
  • Still, but you recreated or acclimated it, it’s standard to include the words” Acclimated from”or”After” followed by the author’s name and a citation at the end of the caption, If your figure or table is basically the same as or grounded on another author’s.

 Always cite the figure or table if it or its data came from a source, using the same citation style that you have used throughout the paper.  what information is furnished. those encompass unrestricted captions, mottoes, and mottoes for the deaf and tough of hail.

  • In papers written for classes and submitted to journals, each office and determine need to encompass a caption. The most logical place for the citation to appear is at the end of the caption. This primer for a thorough discussion of rules for source citation.

 Entitling Types, Styles

. During the late 1950s, only open-captioning was available. It wasn’t until 20 times latterly that unrestricted-captioning made its first debut. Several times latterly, other captioning ways followed.

 Closed Captions

 These are hidden at the 21st line of the perpendicular blanking c language (VBI) of a videotape signal and are made seen through a decoder on the time of viewing. they are generally white letters boxed in a black box.


 Subtitles are generally white or heroic letters with a black hem or drop shadow. some are constantly seen, just like the” open captions “of DCMP stir film land. Others, like the bones on DVD and the net, are displayed using the medium’s menu volition.

 Mottoes for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH)

These are analogous to mottoes, but SDH consists of records which include sound consequences, speaker identity, and different essential non speech functions. those are supplied as near verbatim as doable.

 What Are” Styles”?

 Styles vary according to when the captions are created and displayed. These include out- line and online.

 Off- line

Off- line captions are created and brought after a videotape section has been recorded and earlier than it’s country miles vented or performed. Exemplifications of packages that use out- line captioning are high- time television operations, made-for- TV flicks, and academic media. 

 On- line

 On line captions are created and displayed on the time of operation fabrication, and from time to time known as factual- time. Exemplifications of programming that utilizes online captioning are sporting events, newscasts, and other events that don’t allow time to put together off- line captions.

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