AIOU Course: Development Support Communication      (965)

Semester:  Autumn 2022

Assignment No. 2

Question no. 2 What are different designs that are used in collecting evidence for evaluation studies? Explain with examples.

Evaluation studies use various designs for collecting evidence. Here are some of the commonly used designs:

  1. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs): RCTs are considered the gold standard for evaluation studies. In an RCT, participants are randomly assigned to either an intervention group or a control group. The intervention group receives the treatment being evaluated, while the control group receives a placebo or no treatment. The two groups are then compared to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.
  2. Quasi-experimental designs: Quasi-experimental designs are used when it is not possible or ethical to randomly assign participants to groups. These designs may include pre-post studies, interrupted time series designs, and non-equivalent control group designs.
  3. Case studies: Case studies are detailed examinations of a single individual, organization, or event. They are often used in program evaluation to provide a deeper understanding of the program and its impact.
  4. Surveys: Surveys are used to collect data from a large number of participants about their experiences or opinions. They can be conducted in person, by phone, or online.
  5. Focus groups: Focus groups are used to collect qualitative data from a small group of participants about their experiences or opinions. Participants are typically selected based on a specific demographic or shared experience.
  6. Observational studies: Observational studies involve observing and recording behavior without intervening or manipulating variables. These designs may include naturalistic observation, participant observation, and structured observation.
  7. Meta-analyses: Meta-analyses are used to synthesize the results of multiple studies on the same topic. They involve statistical techniques to combine data from different studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

These are just a few examples of the designs used in collecting evidence for evaluation studies. The choice of design will depend on the research question, the available resources, and ethical considerations.

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