1. what is advertising?

A. publicity

B. sales promotion

C. paid information

D. all the above


2. The _______________ is the foundation of any advertising or marketing campaign.

A. Research.

B. Target segmentation

C. Creative brief.

D. Media planning.


3._____________ became the first full service advertising agency.

A. N.W.Ayer & Son

B. FCB Ulka Advertising Ltd

C. Ogilvy & Mather.

D. William Taylor


4. This is a hierarchy of effects or sequential model used to explain how advertising works:






5. Dividing the market based on age, income, educational qualification,is known as

A. profile

B. census

C. target audience

D. demography


6.Advertising is affected by ________ forces

A. Economic.

B. Social.

C. Technological.

D. All the above


7. Sponsorship belongs to the promotional tool to _________________.

A. Business marketing

B. Marketing.

C. Marketing management

D. Advertising.


8. A corporate unit may provide equipment for a famous sportsperson or sports team in exchange for ________

A. Advertising.

B. Brand.

C. Brand management

D. Product placement.


9.A strap line is a British term used as a less important sentence attached to a ________ name.

A. Product placement

B. Brand.

C. Advertising

D. Brand management.


10.Placement of advertisements inside or outside transportation vehicles is known as

A. Arieal advertising.

B. Outdoor advertising

C. Transit advertising

D. classifieds


11. _______________ is the number of people or households who are exposed to a medium.

A. Audience.

B. Market.

C. Target.

D. None the above


12. ________ describes what you want the media plan to accomplish.

A. Media Objective

B. Media analysis

C. Media mix

D. Media strategy


13. _________ is a highly negotiable medium when it comes to pricing.

A. News paper

B. Radio

C. Television

D. Internet


14. ________ is a scheduling strategy in which planned messages run in intermittent periods.

A. Media run

B. Continuous scheduling

C. Pulsing

D. Flighting


15. _________ is placing media throughout the year with equal weight in each month.

A. Pulsing

B. Flighting

C. Continuous scheduling

D. Zapping


16. _________ services are agencies that specialize in buying time and space.

A. Media selling

B. Media planning

C. Media buying

D. Media organizing.


17. _________ technology is changing the way consumers relate to products and markets.

A. Information

B. New

C. Digital

D. Cyber


18. _________is now a significant part of every global corporations marketing arsenal.

A. Internet

B. Web

C. Mobile

D. e – marketing


19. A cookie is a file on the users browser that uniquely identifies _________.

A. the advertiser

B. the buyer

C. the seller

D. the user


20. A graphical representation of the media schedule information is called a

A. A Timetable

B. Media Objectives

C. A Media Flowchart

D. A Media Plan


21. A large amount of _________ advertising is for retailers, local businesses and for promotions.

A. news paper

B. magazines

C. radio

D. television


22. Which of the following would not be involved in setting media objectives?


B. Frequency

C. Reach

D. Low involvement purchase decisions


23. A products purchase cycle may also influence media _________.

A. planning

B. scheduling

C. mix

D. cost


24.  ________in newspapers & print media in general is much more than the circulation

A. proof

B. ads

C. sales

D. readership


25. ROP stands for ______ in print media.

A. run of press

B. readership of paper

C. regulator of press

D. run of print


26. ____________ indicates the maximum sales from all buyers of the product.

A. Budget

B. Target Audience

C. Media Strategy

D. Sales Potential


27. The advertiser must select the _______ who the media plans to influence.

A. Sales Potential

B. Budget

C. Target Audience

D. Competition


28. ___________ decisions are the decisions about timing, continuity and size of ads.

A. Scheduling

B. Reach

C. Frequency

D. Flexibility


29._____ outlines what the media plan is expected to accomplish.

A. Media

B. Media Objectives

C. Schedulling

D. Frequency


30._____________ refers to the number of times the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle.

A. Reach

B. Frequency

C. Schedule

D. Objectives


31. Media ________ decisions are the decisions about the timing, continuity and size of the ads.

A. Reach

B. Scheduling

C. Planning

D. Objectives


32._______ is the person at the adverising agency who develops and executes your media plan.

A. Engineer

B. Media Planner

C. Doctor



33. The _______ component of attitudes focuses on behavioral tendencies

A. Affective

B. Instrumental

C. Conative

D. Cognitive


34. The process of translating thought into a symbolic form is known as _______

A. Encoding

B. Feedback

C. Noise

D. Decoding


35.According to the HEM, consumer behavior is seen as___________

A. Rational

B. highly cognitive

C. Emotional

D. Systematic


36. Which of the following is NOT a type of advertising?

a) Print advertising

b) Outdoor advertising

c) Guerilla advertising

d) Accounting advertising


37. Which of the following is a disadvantage of TV advertising?

a) High reach

b) High cost

c) Long lifespan

d) Limited creativity


38. Which of the following is a common advertising objective?

a) Creating brand awareness

b) Reducing product demand

c) Increasing customer complaints

d) Lowering sales revenue


39. Which of the following is a factor that affects the cost of advertising?

a) Product quality

b) Location

c) Color scheme

d) Product taste


40. Which of the following is an example of native advertising?

a) A banner ad on a website

b) A sponsored post on social media

c) A radio ad

d) A billboard on a highway


41. Which of the following is an advantage of print advertising?

a) Low cost

b) High reach

c) Short lifespan

d) Limited audience targeting


42. Which of the following is a common advertising medium for small businesses?

a) National TV commercials

b) International print ads

c) Local radio spots

d) Global billboards


43. Which of the following is a disadvantage of online advertising?

a) High targeting options

b) Low cost

c) Ad-blocking software

d) Easy to measure ROI


44. Which of the following is a factor that affects the effectiveness of advertising?

a) The color of the ad

b) The font size used

c) The creativity of the ad

d) The time of day the ad is displayed


45. Which of the following is a type of direct response advertising?

a) Brand advertising

b) Retail advertising

c) Online advertising

d) Email advertising


46. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of advertising?

a) Increased brand recognition

b) Higher sales revenue

c) Enhanced customer loyalty

d) Decreased competition

Answer: D

47. Which type of advertising focuses on promoting a product or service to a specific group of people?

a) Broadcast advertising

b) Print advertising

c) Niche advertising

d) Public service advertising

Answer: C

48. Which of the following is NOT a common advertising platform?

a) Television

b) Radio

c) Social media

d) Telephone


49. What is the purpose of a call-to-action (CTA) in advertising?

a) To inform the audience about the product or service

b) To create an emotional connection with the audience

c) To encourage the audience to take a specific action

d) To showcase the unique features of the product or service

Answer: C

50. What is the difference between product placement and traditional advertising?

a) Product placement is more expensive than traditional advertising

b) Product placement is a type of indirect advertising, while traditional advertising is direct

c) Product placement is only used in print advertising, while traditional advertising is used in all media

d) There is no difference between product placement and traditional advertising

Answer: B

51. What is the purpose of a headline in an advertisement?

a) To showcase the unique features of the product or service

b) To provide contact information for the company

c) To grab the attention of the audience

d) To showcase customer testimonials

Answer: C

52. Which type of advertising is based on the use of influencers to promote a product or service?

a) Social media advertising

b) Guerrilla advertising

c) Native advertising

d) Celebrity advertising

Answer: A

53. Which of the following is a disadvantage of television advertising?

a) It is not as effective as other forms of advertising

b) It is difficult to target a specific audience

c) It is more expensive than other forms of advertising

d) It does not allow for interactive engagement with the audience

Answer: C

54. What is the primary purpose of a slogan in an advertising campaign?

a) To showcase the unique features of the product or service

b) To create an emotional connection with the audience

c) To provide contact information for the company

d) To describe the company’s mission and values

Answer: B

55. Which of the following is an example of guerrilla advertising?

a) A television commercial during the Super Bowl

b) A billboard on a busy highway

c) A flash mob in a public place

d) A print ad in a magazine

Answer: C

56. Which type of advertising involves using humor to promote a product or service?

a) Emotional advertising

b) Humorous advertising

c) Testimonial advertising

d) Celebrity advertising


57. Which of the following is a benefit of social media advertising?

a) It is less expensive than other forms of advertising

b) It allows for precise targeting of specific audiences

c) It is more memorable than other forms of advertising

d) It provides a higher reach than other forms of advertising

Answer: B

58. Which of the following is an example of native advertising?

a) A print ad in a magazine

b) A television commercial during the Super Bowl

c) A sponsored post on Instagram

d) A billboard on a busy highway

Answer: C

59. What is the main objective of informational advertising?

a) To educate the audience about the product or service

b) To create brand awareness

c) To encourage the audience to take a specific action

d) To promote the brand’s image and reputation

Answer: A

60. Which type of advertising involves creating a personal connection between the audience and the brand?

a) Emotional advertising

b) Rational advertising

c) Testimonial advertising

d) Celebrity advertising

Answer: A

61. Which of the following is a benefit of radio advertising?

a) It allows for precise targeting of specific audiences

b) It provides a higher reach than other forms of advertising

c) It is more memorable than other forms of advertising

d) It is less expensive than other forms of advertising

Answer: D

62. What is the purpose of a call-to-action (CTA) in an advertisement?

a) To provide contact information for the company

b) To describe the company’s mission and values

c) To create a memorable tune that promotes brand awareness

d) To encourage the audience to take a specific action

Answer: D

63. Which type of advertising involves promoting a cause or issue without promoting a specific product or service?

a) Social advertising

b) Brand advertising

c) Public service advertising

d) Native advertising

Answer: C

64. Which of the following is a disadvantage of online advertising?

a) It is difficult to target a specific audience

b) It is more expensive than other forms of advertising

c) It is less memorable than other forms of advertising

d) It may be blocked or ignored by ad-blocking software

Answer: D

65. Which type of advertising involves using experts or celebrities to endorse a product or service?

a) Emotional advertising

b) Testimonial advertising

c) Humorous advertising

d) Guerrilla advertising

Answer: B

66. What is the main objective of brand advertising?

a) To educate the audience about the product or service

b) To encourage the audience to take a specific action

c) To promote the brand’s image and reputation

d) To create a sense of urgency among the audience

Answer: C

67. Which of the following is an example of guerrilla advertising?

a) A billboard on a busy street

b) A print ad in a magazine

c) A promotional event in a public space

d) A television commercial during prime time

Answer: C

68. What is the main advantage of television advertising?

a) It allows for precise targeting of specific audiences

b) It provides a higher reach than other forms of advertising

c) It is less expensive than other forms of advertising

d) It allows for interactive engagement with the audience

Answer: B

69. Which type of advertising involves using emotional appeals to connect with the audience?

a) Emotional advertising

b) Rational advertising

c) Testimonial advertising

d) Celebrity advertising

Answer: A

70. Which of the following is a disadvantage of outdoor advertising?

a) It is less expensive than other forms of advertising

b) It is difficult to target a specific audience

c) It is more memorable than other forms of advertising

d) It does not allow for interactive engagement with the audience

Answer: B

71. What is the main objective of persuasive advertising?

a) To educate the audience about the product or service

b) To create brand awareness

c) To encourage the audience to take a specific action

d) To promote the brand’s image and reputation

Answer: C

72. Which of the following is an example of outdoor advertising?

a) A television commercial

b) A print ad in a magazine

c) A billboard on a busy street

d) A radio jingle

Answer: C

73. Which type of advertising involves promoting a product or service through promotional events or sponsorships?

a) Event advertising

b) Brand advertising

c) Public service advertising

d) Native advertising

Answer: A

74.Which of the following is a disadvantage of print advertising?

a) It is difficult to target a specific audience

b) It does not allow for interactive engagement with the audience

c) It is more expensive than other forms of advertising

d) It is less memorable than other forms of advertising

Answer: B

75.What is the purpose of a jingle in an advertising campaign?

a) To provide contact information for the company

b) To showcase the unique features of the product or service

c) To create a memorable tune that promotes brand awareness

d) To describe the company’s mission and values

Answer: C


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