Methods of Social Research Tools of Data Collection(9439)

Level: BS  

Semester: Spring, 2024

Q.1   Why is data collection important in sociological studies? Evaluate various prerequisites researchers must contemplate before engaging with data collection.                                         

Q.2   Briefly describe data collection tools used in social sciences. Also, discuss how a social scientist can select the best tool for the study under investigation?                                                    

Q.3   Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of participant and non-participant observation tools of social research.                                                                                                 

Q.4   What is a questionnaire? Develop a sample questionnaire about any social issue that exists in your community.                                                                                                       

Q.5   Write notes on following:                                                                                 

         i.       Interview schedule

         ii.      Focus group discussion-FGD


(Units 5-9)

Q.1   Elaborate on the challenges researchers might face when conducting cross- cultural content analysis and how they could be mitigated?                                       

Q.2   Explain the process of “scaling” in social sciences research and provide examples of different scaling techniques used to measure attitudes or opinions.                                     

Q.3   Elaborate on write-up of academic report writing, keeping in view the different elements of a report in social sciences. Explain.                                                                                  

Q.4   Discuss the advantages and limitations of using Likert scales versus semantic differential scales for assessing attitudes in social sciences surveys.                                                          

Q.5   Describe the process of “pilot testing” in measurement development and explain why is it a crucial step before implementing a measurement instrument on a longer scale.     


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