Author name: Faiza Gul

Sample of Questionnaire and Interview during Research

Sure! Let’s develop a sample questionnaire on a common social issue: Public Transportation Satisfaction. This questionnaire aims to gather feedback from residents about their experiences and satisfaction with public transportation in their community. Sample Questionnaire: Public Transportation Satisfaction Introduction: We are conducting a survey to understand the satisfaction levels and experiences of residents with the […]

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Write notes on Focus group discussion-FGD

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a qualitative research method used to gather insights and opinions from a group of people about a specific topic. FGDs are widely used in social research, market research, and program evaluations. Here are key notes on Focus Group Discussions: Purpose of Focus Group Discussions Components of Focus Group Discussions Strengths

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Course: Electronic Media (Part-I) (5627)    

Semester: Spring, 2024 Level: BS/ MSc          MASS COMMUNICATION                                                                                                         Q.1   What do you mean by credibility of broadcasting? Is radio a credible medium? Discuss.          Q.2   Write a detailed note on reporting for radio.                                                 Q.3     Analyze the role of radio for community development.                                                           Q.4   Write a note on news presentation on radio.                                                          Q.5   Discuss

Course: Electronic Media (Part-I) (5627)     Read More »

Methods of Social Research: Research Process (9438)            

Level: BS     Semester: Spring, 2024                                                                                                                                      Q.1   What are the different sources of knowledge? Compare these sources with scientific knowledge.         Q.2   What are the different types of variables? Explain by giving examples.             Q.3   Discuss in detail the role of technology in revolutionizing social research.                                                  Q.4   How is the feasibility of the research project

Methods of Social Research: Research Process (9438)             Read More »

Methods of Social Research Tools of Data Collection(9439)

Level: BS   Semester: Spring, 2024 Q.1   Why is data collection important in sociological studies? Evaluate various prerequisites researchers must contemplate before engaging with data collection.                                          Q.2   Briefly describe data collection tools used in social sciences. Also, discuss how a social scientist can select the best tool for the study under investigation?                                                     Q.3   Compare

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Political and Constitutional Development in Pakistan-II (4668/9365)

Level: MSC/BS Pakistan Studies Semester: Spring, 2024 Assignment 1 & 2       Q.1   Make a critical analysis of economic causes of dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971. Q.2   Discuss the powers of the Senate provided for in the Constitution of 1973. How can the Senate become an effective body? Elaborate in the light of the Articles of

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National and International Current Affairs-II (5634)

Semester: Spring, 2024 ASSIGNMENT No. 1 Total Marks: 100                                                                             Pass Marks: 40 Q.1   Analyze the current situation of Palestine in the backdrop of Hamas’s surprise on Israel. Explain the timeline of different events after this attack.  (20) Q.2   Describe the factors that hindered the pace of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Write some viable solutions/steps

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Introduction to Radio with History,Broadcasting

Radio is a form of communication that uses electromagnetic waves to transmit audio signals. It is one of the oldest and most widespread forms of mass communication, providing entertainment, news, education, and emergency information to a broad audience. Radio waves travel through the air and can be received by anyone with a radio receiver tuned

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Benefits of PTCL wifi network than other mobile networks

PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) Wi-Fi network offers several benefits compared to mobile networks. Here are some of the advantages: PTCL offers a variety of broadband plans and services to cater to different user needs. Here are some specific details about PTCL’s offerings: PTCL Broadband Packages Charji 4G LTE Packages Fiber to the Home (FTTH)

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